Friday, August 15, 2014

Wife's Birthday Card

Slapped back together in PS. Gouache on some kinda paper. I wrote the poem in Iambic Pentameter (as well as I could recall it from school) and the kids are SUPPOSED to be me and Katherine as kids.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


A few recent sketchbook pages. The one with the bat monster had to be helped along in PS as the soluble graphite didn't scan well. The bottom one was a pre-show before a theater show where a bunch of folks gathered to watch some songs and dance for 30 minutes.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Heres some stuff

So heres some stuff I have been doing, nothing so cool as you 'course, but damn it all if having someone so good at this stuff already doesn't make me maybe a tiny bit better. I spent must of Sunday making this little card for Katherine's birthday and totally ripped off a Kevin kidney designed cake topper I saw on Instagram for the style. Not cool, I know but Katherine will love it and she won't care where its from. I will put that up in a few days so as to own up to it somewhere.

Friday, June 20, 2014


Really awesome piece!  I looked at the reference you supplied and took the painting into Photoshop.  I was able to do a loose paint over with a little more definition in his face to help you along.  I had a hard time with the mouth around the cigarette so I'll let you the artist work some of that business out.

His head is definitely square but I felt that the face was a little too pointy.  I just broadened the nose that I referenced and kept his brow heavy, eyes squinting.  I hope this helps.  Everything else is dynamite.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

this thing

So here is this monster. I claim no confidence over this thing, so be as brutally honest as you can. New one is on top, old below also with shots of the actor.

Friday, May 30, 2014


Brad here is a piece I sweated out in a day--I may take another day to finish it up.  It's just another one of my weird pieces. I hope you like it.

Also I am posting more progress with that boxer Pic. I agree on the mood changes you gave thought to.  I just have to get around to changing them.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What is winning WIP

This is a huge undertaking for me, not great at perspective I am slowly piecing this together.  The boxer and his gal were a separate illustration.  Meg helped me see the bigger story.  I have to admit my mind went there too but being lazy I was just trying to take the easy way out.  I feel that this time of my life I might as well push it as far as I can.  If you have any suggestions or comments Brad please help me out!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Another life drawing

Not so happy with all of it, but I liked it overall. Pentel brush pen and bond, about 90 minutes. They don't all turn out to be train wrecks.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Rough Stuff

Ok Brad, here are a few things that I have been sweating out.  Firstly there is Vulcan and Poseidon (Neptune)   I started with raw silhouette on PS and then refined the concept from there. 
Next is my characters for a show I had thought of a long time ago that I would like to share with you.  I'm trying to go for a very 80's motif with some very graphic(but no too graphic) sensibility.  These both are being refined but I wanted to share as soon as I could.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Life Drawing Embarassment

Did this in life drawing last week. Kinda got sidelong looks from the rest of the attendees, plus a word from the teacher dude that runs it basically amounting to "oh, thats different." Bummed me out.

Gouache 22 x 14

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Hamlet in Progress

This piece is not far from being done, in particular the triangle in the window up top, the sword, and the frame (hopefully a warm marble look when all's said and done).
15 x 20 Gouache

Friday, February 28, 2014

Mop Tops

Here's the piece from the Beatles Show--It's called "Mop Tops" 
Word of warnin'.......If you are going to frisket over something already watercolored, make sure that the paper is not roughed up from multiple washes--even the low tack stuff will lift the image off the board.

 Mop Tops--11x17 watercolor and airbrush

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Robo Hamlet in Process

Progresso on bond. Probably will attack with gouache on Cold press ill. board when I've sussed out the background and the off leg. Tell yo suggestions to me, boyyeee.

Second Post too . . .

Naked women are my greatest weakness. Progresso on bond paper

Sunday, January 5, 2014

First Post

Yeah blamo, first post. 
On AA sketchbook with Caran d'ache water soluble pencil.